2. Fun Facts About MissEm

 Hi ya’ll. It’s so great to see that you’d like to know just a bit more about your teacher.  

 Here it goes:

Curious Questions

Curious Questions Answered

Where was I born?


I was born and raised here in Southern California (Go SoCal!) and am an all around Southern Californian. I have visited a couple of states, and although each state carries a passionate American charm, from wildlife, to food, and accents, I love California and especially it’s weather! Even if it might be bipolar at times.


Where did I go to school?


            I first went to school over at Rancho Santiago Canyon College (The Ranch) as you seniors know it now and also its sister school, Santa Ana College. I majored in English/Liberal Arts, as I planned on teaching, and received my Associates Degree. Afterwards, I immediately transferred to Cal State Fullerton and went to school there where I received my Bachelor’s Degree in English <3 and completed the prerequisites for the Teaching Credential Program.

What do I like to do?


            Haha. Very funny. TEACH! The best part about life is helping others, and you can’t fulfill your life without helping others.

What do I do when I am not teaching?

            Of course, you are thinking your typical English Teacher stuff (like, “She probably reads a lot on her own time”). Well I do all that and then some more. What I do a whole lot of is exercise, cooking, and spend time with my loved ones.     





If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! (That’s doesn’t mean I will respond to all of them though ok J).